Embracing your own qualities and attributes, allows you to be your full potential. Following passion and manifesting your dreams brings this into a reality.

Through extensive professional experience - Business Creation, Mentoring, Personal Development, Positive Living, Mindset, Meditation, Counselling, Workshops and Educational Programs, brings a thorough understanding of business and life skills.

Certified: Universal Rays Healer/Practioner and Soul Chart Reader Reiki Master; Counselor Spiritual Mentor;
Yin & Restorative Yoga Teacher; Meditation Facilitator;
Business Mentoring; Accredited Trainer; Positive Mindset/Mindfulness Facilitator; Awards: 2019 – Sarina Russo – Business Solutions; Entrepreneur of the Year; 2010- Finalist Sunshine Coast Business Awards.

Through a more understanding of business and life skills allows the individual empowerment and embrace their qualities and knowledge. Adding tools to their transformation enhances the realisation of their future potential, with passion and clear manifestation of their dreams into reality. The knowledge and wisdom I share, has been taught to me by others who I hold in great esteem and a realisation and passion embedded since my early teens. Like all knowledge, even that which I understood several years ago has now evolved into a higher understanding and new ways of embracing everyday a life with happiness, abundance, and peace.

Through my teachings and mentoring methods, tools and skills are tested continuously, used and practiced in mine and others lives as proof that you are too; can open, discover, and reach your highest potential. I held a long belief that the guru model is dead, and we need to move away from the ego and learn how to use our personal experiences to influence and change how we operate daily in business and life, foremost learn to take ownership and responsibility for everything we create in life. The big picture is incredibly exciting when we embrace new ways of being and allowing ourselves to create a life we desire. If you are ready to discover and follow the path to self-mastery and learning how to transform your life both personally and in business, then please contact me today. Once you engage on the path it will transform your life forever.